Pomegranate is a miraculous fruit and every seed with a juicy burst feels like jewels. This reddish fruit has many proven health benefits to prevent high blood pressure, high cholesterol, oxidative stress, hyperglycemia, and inflammatory activities.
- Pomegranates are cold and increase relaxation in the human body.
- You should avoid it in harsh cold weather.
Although, you should be aware of the effect of consuming pomegranate on different types of bodies in different weather conditions.
Knowledge from Ayurveda clearly defines such after-effects of fruits based on their nature.
Let’s see them,
Know Pomegranate Is Cold or Hot for Your Body?
According to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, pomegranates are considered a cooling fruit. So, you can consume it in hot weather to gain energetic hydration and relaxation in your body.
On, the other hand if your body is vulnerable to cold, you should avoid it. Especially in winter. Premature pomegranate can cause you to cough or sneeze.
For normal body type people they are believed to have a cooling effect on the body, making them suitable for individuals with excess heat or a “Pitta” constitution.
People with Pitta dominance may experience conditions like acidity, inflammation, or skin issues. In such cases, incorporating pomegranates into their diet might help balance their body’s internal temperature.
So, Is Pomegranate Hot or Cold for Your Body? The answer is, that it is cold. And, you should learn when to take them and when to avoid them. By learning how your body reacts to cold natural fruits in different weather conditions, you can build a better fruit diet.
To let you know, there are many other key health benefits of eating pomegranates other than cooling nature. And, they are,
- They are antioxidant-rich and help combat free radicals and protect your cells.
- It reduces cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
- Pomegranates have anti-inflammatory properties.
- They are a great source of Vitamin C, which boosts your immune system.
- Pomegranates can aid digestion and promote gut health.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a chronic lung disease that causes difficulty in breathing. According to Ayurveda, COPD is due to an imbalance of all three doshas (Kapha, Vata & Pitta). Regular intake of Pomegranate helps to reduce symptoms of COPD as it helps balance all the dosha and gives strength to the lungs.
Now, let’s know somehow could you consume pomegranates
- As a Snack
- Salads
- Smoothies
- Pomegranate Juice
- Desserts
Quick facts: Did you know that pomegranates are also used to make delicious sauces, like pomegranate molasses, in Middle Eastern cuisine?
So, next time you enjoy a juicy pomegranate, relish it not just for its temperature, but for the vibrant, healthy goodness it brings to your body.
How do you like to enjoy this exquisite fruit? Share your thoughts and favorite pomegranate recipes in the comments below! 🍅🥗🍹